Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Obligatory Britney Comeback Post

Okay, so I'm a little late getting around to watching Train Wreck's big comeback on the VMAs. These are my immediate thoughts:
  • Who gave this the greenlight? Not on MTV's end (after all, if you're looking for viewers, a complete disaster is just as good as the greatest performance of all time), but on Britney's end? I mean, there had to be rehearsals at the very least , right? Someone, probably several someones, that should be looking out for this chick saw this "performance" before the live show and said, "Yeah. Perfect. This will be a great comeback." (And from the look of it, they probably followed up with, "Let's get her, like, 4 more Xanax too, k?"
  • Was it whatever sedatives they had her on or did her choreographer actually think it would be a good idea to have her barely move?
  • So this is how bad you have to be to make K-Fed look good.
  • This song isn't bad for a dance tune but I still think Perez Hilton did a better job with it.
  • And, finally, where was the fat chick in a bikini everyone keeps talking about? No matter how bad this went, Britney was still hot. A skank, but a hot skank.
So, without further ado (and even though everyone on the planet has seen it already), here's Brit:

...and here's Perez:

...and, just for fun, here's Chris. Chris likes Britney way too much:

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